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What did YOU do this summer?

Big news from Food for His Children!

1. Meet Samuel 2. FFHC is starting a Youth Program 3. Let the building begin! 4. 184 new families 5. Shoes! Shoes! Shoes! Your gifts are making the impossible possible.

Meet Samuel. We were blessed to spend time with him in June to learn a little more about his hopes and dreams and get his thoughts about the youth program Food for His Children is creating. Samuel told Christine Davis he wants to be a pastor when he grows up, just like his daddy who passed away in 2014. When asked about the youth program, he said he would be most interested in learning about entrepreneurship and how to save money.

While in Tanzania this June, we interviewed children, parents, teachers, community leaders and staff about what would make a youth program successful and what to avoid. The overwhelming response was GAMES and fun along with teaching about the bible, agriculture, animal husbandry, entrepreneurship, savings, health and environment. While our original thought was to implement the program just with FFHC families, the teachers and leaders strongly recommended offering the program to schools! Just like God to take our human sized vision and multiply it. It takes a village to raise a child. Help us fund the youth program!

We have a fence at the farm! In preparation for the FFHC Farm and Innovation Center, Jeff Hoyt interviewed area lodges to see what tourists would be interested in at the farm so we can ensure that it is a tourist attraction. We are ready to start making concrete plans (literally) for the farm and are seeking expert advice to build it in a way that families can replicate all we do and to use recycled materials as much as possible. Make a special donation to help us build the farm!

We're adding 184 new families this year!! That's almost 2 times the number of families we currently have. Go God! While we were in Tanzania, we met with several of the new families. Would you consider making a one time or monthly gift to help these families succeed in their goal to end generational poverty for their family? Give goat and give hope to a new family for just $160. Or fund a new Field Officer position for just $245 per month. $30 per month covers services for one family $50 covers a pass on goat, training and initial vet care services for one family $100 per month pays our office rent $160 buys a new goat and covers training and initial vet care services for one family $245 pays one month's salary and benefits for one Field Officer/Case Manager $4000 pays annual salary, benefits, fuel and a motorcycle for a Field Officer Did you know there's a post everyday on Facebook to keep you updated about Food for His Children? Be sure to like our page!

We want your shoes! Our goal is 25,000 pairs of shoes! Food for His Children is collecting gently used and new shoes to raise funds to provide services to the 184 new families and build the farm. Watch our Facebook page and web page for drop off locations coming soon or contact Kerrie for more information. From all of us at Food for His Children, thank you. We could not do any of this without your generosity and your heart. We are so grateful to partner with you!

Blessings! Food For His Children Team

We need your help to fund the rest of our 2018 budget. Gifts of any amount are a blessing. Please email if you want to designate a gift to a specific area of need.

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