The Golden Goat
Unity is everything that each man wishes for. Unity starts in our livelihood, the best smile and happiness of the children is when they see their parents together in every situation of life. The happiness of the family makes the family stronger in faith, economically, and increases the love among each member of the family. The upbringing of both parents help much to shape the behavior of the children. The challenge of the single mother/father to raise the children alone makes life difficult to handle.
When Sabina Josephat and her husband separated due to some misunderstanding, she and her children decided to move from her husband’s house and Sabina started a new life as a single mother. Sabina (42), and her five children, Estina(19), Mussa (16), Upendo (15), Herirehema (14), Herisikia (13) started their new home despite many challenges, but she never lost hope. Sabina and her husband had joined the Food for His Children in 2009 and received one doe, but unfortunately the doe died due to poor management at that time when they were in misunderstanding.

After they separated Sabina was struggling to support her family and depended on seasonal jobs to meet family basic needs. In 2014, Food for His Children gave her another doe which gave birth to a doe. Through that doe she was able to pass on a doe to another family and later the doe gave birth to twins kids (all does). Sabina said, “From that time, I praised God for His mercy to my family life.”
“The doe gave birth to another set of twins does so I could complete the Pass Back requirement of the program. By the help of the goats, I changed from depending solely on income from seasonal labor to being able to focus on my own farming activities. I sold a goat and invested in renting a plot to farm. Thanks to God, my doe gave to 6 more kids! The goats have helped me not only in the farming actives, but also to pay for my children’s school fee, to repair our house and shed, and give me a source of steady income. Many people place orders to buy the kids of my golden goat, which provides two and half liter of milk per day!”
“It is hard for me to say much, but my God knows how much I am praying for all the Food for his Children supporters and employees for your helping heart! You have saved my family so much from the worst life to now at least I can say something that anybody can hear and get some concept on what I mean.” Sabina said.
God bless you for your gifts that make life transformation possible!