Laying it in God's Hands
I love this story! It is such a clear example of how God loves His children. Here's the email I received from a couple whom I dearly love and who were instrumental in planting the seeds that grew into Food for His Children.

“We have always known that God takes care of His children as He has us in providing more income than we need or want to use, except in some cases. And here is another instance where we can help.
Let me explain. In years past we set up a savings account that we can contribute to when we care to. As it grows and earns yearly interest, we are required to take yearly RMDs -yearly minimum distributions which are taxable by the Feds. However, should we choose to give any part of these funds to a non-profit we will not need to pay taxes on it.
Long before we received this e-mail from you about Bryton, we had decided what to do with each of ours. We are giving one check to our church and one to Food for His Children. The check has already been mailed to you.
So now sit down and take a deep breath.
Your check has been mailed to FFHC at your address. The amount should be somewhere over $8,000. Looks like God's timing is again awesome. We will be praying for Bryton and his family and know they will know that their portion of this gift is from Him. It will make a huge impact on what you can do to help them and others.”
Wow God!!
God knew years before Bryton was even born what this account would be used for. The couple thought they were saving for retirement, but God always provided abundantly for them and they didn’t have a need for the money. Their heart is one with God and they freely open their hands to His leading and promptings.
I hope this story touches your heart as much as it did mine.
